The G20 last 2 summits slammed the door to the Biosphere
They did not make use of the perfect opportunity to progress on the GW and the Climate Change as they account with 80% of world emissions of CO2
(By prof. J. Hugo Von Veschler. Update nov 2020)
Who's G20
The Group of 8
In November 1975 the first G group begun to gather, (France, G6). Soon it became the G7, which encompassed the seven largest economies of the planet: United States, Japan, Germany, France, UK, Italy, and Canada. Together, they amount half of the planet wealth. In 1977, the EU begun to participate like observers. Later, in 1997 Russia officially united to them thus creating the current G8.The Group of Eight is not an international organisation yet a forum and informal consultative meeting, which gather on a regular basis to decide in economic issues and development of economies.
Topics of discussion within the Group of Eight may include: economic and social development (they account with 14% of world population), law enforcement, energy (they account with almost all the nuclear weapons), environmental responsibility (together with China-they pollute about half of the planet), foreign affairs, terrorism, and trade (they produce 2/3 of the world output).
Therefore, instead of physical continental summits, the G8 gave birth to a transboundary Group, a virtual continent united for the specific weight they represent in the Planet in terms of wealth.
The BRICS appearance;
In 2003, however, some other developing and emerging economies also started expanding their business throughout the world taking advantage of the significant economic integration produced in three continents. These are five potential new leading economies in terms of their production, trade, population and influence on the environmental conditions of the planet.It is a group, which specialists are referring to as BRICS, since 2005 (acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)
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CO2 emissions per country. Chart by the UCS, Union of concerned Scientists. Last update: august 2020 |
The "next eleven";
Lately, another emerging group of economies (emerging economies is a
term coined in 1980’s by Antoine van Agtmael, founder of Ashmore
Emerging Markets Management) was identified – the selecting criteria was
indeed the prominence of such a market from an investing standpoint.
In 2013 Goldman Sachs Assets Management Manager Mr. Jim O’ Neill
baptised those newcomers to the big club world’s as “The NEXT eleven” or
It is formed by eleven countries—Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran,
Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Turkey, and
Vietnam— “identified by Goldman Sachs investment bank as having a
high potential of becoming, along with the BRICS, the world’s largest
economies in the 21st century”
The "G Twenty"
The G20 originated 1999 in Berlin in a meeting held on November that was hosted by G7. It was created "as a new mechanism for informal dialogue in the framework of the Bretton Woods institutional system, to broaden the dialogue on key economic and financial policy issues among systemically significant economies and to promote cooperation to achieve stable and sustainable world growth that benefits all"
As of today, the G20 summit concentrates the 88% of planet wealth, 3/4 of its population, and 2/3 of production. Therefore, mostly all the responsibility for biosphere depletion situation lies in their hands. Currently the Osaka participants (A) accounted with around 3/4 of the total CO2 emissions of the total number of the World.
Both the Buenos Aires (dec 1st 2018) and the OSAKA (jun 29 2019) meetings generated big hopes that they would go over and deep about GW&CC agenda. Despite Japan's Prime Mnister N. Abe inniciatives, the general counsil did not discuss on the topics. Thus making another lost opportunitie to face this imperative problem in the most appropriate context: most relevant economies of the globe.
Nosotros, los del G180, estamos a verlas venir.
Sin duda, el calentamiento Global del planeta es el efecto que engloba a todos los demás aspectos concernidos en la protección medioambiental y en la formulación de las Políticas Gubernamentales dependientes.
El Plan era lograr que al menos el 50% de la generación de electricidad viniese desde fuentes y energías renovables (incluyendo según parece otras no carbónicas como Centrales nucleares, etc). Solo así se frenaría/atenuaría/paliaría el aumento continuado de la temperatura media terrestre por fin, reduciéndose entonces la amenaza climática.
Sin embargo, en septiembre 2017, dos años después del Acuerdo de Paris, el volumen crítico, 400 pppm, de emisiones de Gases contaminantes (GEI) que toleraría la atmósfera ya se había sobrepasado. Y aún peor, se dijo entonces que tal volumen continuaría aumentando, lo que viene sucediendo gradualmente desde entonces, hasta 420 pppm. El calentamiento global inducido por las emisiones de GEI alcanza 1,3ºC, es el responsable de la Emergencia Climática en la que estamos inmersos hoy, casi en 2023.
Muchos organismos, académicos y científicos manifestaron ya hace años atrás que ello era muy posible que ocurriese vista la inacción general:
OPR7. (published in LinkedIn on December 2015) Paris parties did not agreed due to three major obstacles: BUDGET, DEGREES AND BINDINGS. Meanwhile, limit temperature variation is closer and closer. Experts say 1ºC variation could be just around here to stay. And that 1.5ºC could already bring an atmospheric weather much tougher than what we already suffer (ice cups losing mass). When Paris deal is set to come into force that situation could be even worse as one scenario technical already describes (HVV)
Según las proyecciones efectuadas, durante el período 2000-2030 la demanda mundial de energía aumentará a un ritmo aproximado del 1,8% anual. El impacto del crecimiento económico y del crecimiento demográfico (que se situarán, respectivamente, en una media anual del 3,1% y el 1%) se verá equilibrado por una disminución anual de la intensidad energética del 1,2%, como consecuencia del efecto combinado de los cambios estructurales en la economía, los avances tecnológicos y el incremento del coste de la energía. Los países industrializados experimentarán una ralentización del crecimiento de su demanda energética, que pasará a situarse a un nivel cercano al 0,4%/año en la UE. A la inversa, la demanda energética de los países en vías de desarrollo crecerá rápidamente. Se espera que en 2030 más de la mitad de la demanda mundial de energía se origine en países en vías de desarrollo (hoy en día dicha demanda representa el 40%). Fuente:
Las previsiones de paliar la Emergencia Climática (resumidas en el plan ONU bautizado como “NETZERO emisión 2050”), no son demasiado optimistas, pese al avance continuado de nuevas tecnologías basadas en el aprovechamiento del hidrógeno para reducir la dependencia mundial de los combustibles fósiles, que en su conjunto sigue estando en un 70%, básicamente por causa del G20 y la alta demanda de energía de unos cuantos de sus miembros.
Nosotros, los del G180, estamos a verlas venir.
Fin del texto de HVV para publicar en Facebook con motivo del comienzo del COP27 en Egipto. Los datos provienen de mi blog, CARRERA DRAMÁTICA PARA FRENAR/ATENUAR EL CALENTAMIENTO GLOBAL, entrada publicada casi 3 años atrás (29 0ctubre 2019)
Further info about the G20 can be found in the G20 Information Centre from the Munk School in the Toronto University)
NB. Research here referred to corresponds to IPCC methology about Global Warming. Besides, relationship between temperature anomaly and CO2 concentration.
(A) Participating Countries and International Organizations (a) G20 members: Japan, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, EU, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, South Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, UK, USA (b) Invited guest countries Spain, Chile (APEC Chair), Egypt (AU Chair), Netherlands, Senegal (NEPAD Chair), Singapore, Thailand (ASEAN Chair), Vietnam (c) International organizations: United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO), International Labour Organization (ILO), Financial Stability Board (FSB), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), World Health Organization (WHO), Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Dec 1st, 2018. Author's Takeaway: As the world becomes more massively concentrated in terms of consumption per capita, the more rapid Biosphere deteriorates
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